The nose of FRANCE will come back to its origins !
At the end of the auction held in May 2017, the Ministry of Culture acquired the Nose on behalf of the municipality of Le Havre.
The last vestige of the liner FRANCE continues its career where it began, in her home port.
Exhibited in front of the headquarters of the Port of Le Havre, facing the Cruise Terminal, it was officially inaugurated on September 26 by Luc Lemonnier, the mayor of Le Havre.
The New FRANCE team is delighted.
First the prospect of acquisition by a rich private collector (who might not have been French) has disappeared.
Then, this offers a new life to this mythical object. Our Prime Minister can be proud. The Nose of France continues its life among the “Havrais”(people who live in Le Havre) who loved "their" liner so much , and can also be admired by the visiting tourists. We couldn't have hoped for more.
His stopover in Paris delighted us and many Parisians have also had the opportunity to discover it.
On our side, it was the trigger for our new adventure, building the new liner FRANCE. This Nose has carried us during these last years so that our new FRANCE lives!
The annual meeting of the French maritime community, the “Assises of the economy of the sea” will take place Tuesday 21 and Wednesday, November 22 in Le Havre. A symbol for the new FRANCE since the city of Le Havre, which celebrates its 500th anniversary this year, was the home port of the mythical France of 1962.
Didier SPADE and all his team will be present.
Come and see us!
Click here to website “Assises de la Mer”
Denis Bourgeois, passionate modeller and bondholder of the New FRANCE project built the ship entirely in lego.
Scale : 1/290ème
Lenght 64,5 cm
928 bricks